Hunter 707 Fittings Guide

The 707 was designed in 1995 by David Thomas and built by Hunter Boats. Usually sailed with four or five crew and regularly reaching speeds of 5 knots upwind and 12 to 14 knots downwind. With a length of 7.07 m and a beam of 2.53m, the 707 carries a fractional symmetrical spinnaker. It is a rewarding and exciting boat to race in all conditions.
Below is a fully Allen-approved fitting list for a Hunter 707. All the items in this list are class-legal and are easy to swap out for old existing hardware.
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A5166ASSEMBLED – Standard height mainsheet jammer with 60mm pro-ratchet block. This item is an easy replacement as it will fit directly into the existing holes already drilled in the deck.
A2060 – Dynamic 60mm block. Three of these make up the mainsheet system. Two are attached to the boom and one is attached to the mainsheet car. The hole through the middle of the block is used as the becket to dead-end the mainsheet.
Single Tii-On£63.64 – £76.98
Standard Height Mainsheet Jammer£196.38 – £280.52
Mainsheet Traveller
A..76 – Medium ball bearing cam cleat. These cleats will fit directly into the existing holes drilled in the cockpit. One is used on either side for the traveller control line. It’s suggested this is paired with an A.496 and an A4675 if you do not have a lacing eye already installed in front of the cam cleat to guide the rope.
A.496 – Medium mega-pro lead. Pair with the A..76 cam cleat to allow the traveller control line to be pulled from any angle.
A4675 – Wire under fairlead. Pair with the A..76 if you do not have a lacing eye installed in the cockpit to guide the rope into the cam cleat.
A4111 or A2134 – 30mm upstand blocks. You can use either version, the A4111 will fit directly into the holes already drilled on the boat. The A2134 is a more modern replacement and can be installed separately to allow the perfect angle for each line leading out of the traveller car.
A9119-LONG – Size 19 car 100mm long with two A2036. Available soon.
Traveller car and track coming soon.
Double Upstand Block£69.46
Mega Pro-Lead Medium£19.52
Stainless Steel Wire Under Fairlead Medium£7.21
Ball Bearing Cam Cleat – Medium£48.18
Jib Sheet
A..76 – Medium ball bearing cam cleat. These cleats will fit directly into the existing holes drilled in the cockpit. One on either side of the companion way hatch.
A9219-PIN-2 – Size 19 pin stock car with central bar. Available soon.
A9019-05-P – Size 19 track 0.5m long for pin stop car. Available soon.
A2040Tii – Dynamic 40mm tii-on block. Pair this with a soft shackle and attach it onto the A9219-PIN-2 for a super low profile and low friction jib sheet turning block.
Mast Base
A2060 – Dynamic 60mm block. One of these for each of the main, jib and spinnaker halyard turning points (three total).
A20401 – Dynamic 40mm Block. One for the pole uphaul and one for the outhaul.
A..76-496 – Medium ball bearing cam cleat with mega-pro lead. Three in total installed ontop of the hatch lid. Outhaul, pole up and down each use one. It is recommended the pole-up cam cleat is also installed using an A.293 riser to make it easier to use.
A.293 – 22mm cam cleat lifter. Used to raise the pole up cam cleat.
A4566STRAIGHT – Straight swivel with medium ball bearing cam cleat. Used for the Vang control line. An angled version is also available if you prefer the cam cleat to be angled upwards.
Top tip – If you are finding it difficult to cleat any of the control lines, or find the lines coming from the mast are too high, try fitting an A4675 wire under fairlead to the cam cleat. This will help guide the rope into the cam cleat at the right angle.
A1715 – Size 2 Vang King. Easily fitted to existing tangs on the boom and mast base. The Vang King is a gas-pressured strut and will hold the boom up on its own. This has performance benefits in light winds as it stops the weight of the boom closing the leech of the sail. Please contact us if you have any installation questions.
A20401BF – Dynamic 40mm single block with becket and fiddle. Installed to the primary line on the Vang King. This is the top block in the system (excluding the built-in sheave in the vang king).
A20401F – Dynamic 40mm single block with fiddle. Installed at the bottom of the Vang King to make the secondary control line.
A20401 – Dynamic 40mm single block. Installed to the second attachment point on the Vang King to lead the control line back towards the cam cleat.
Spinnaker Sheet
A..76 – Medium ball bearing cam cleat. One on either side used to cleat the Guy.
A..77-497 – Small ball bearing cam cleat with mega-pro lead. One on either side to cleat the spinnaker guy barber hauler line. Pair these cam cleats with the A4665-LOW to ensure a good lead for the line into the cam cleat.
A4665-LOW – Small wire under fair lead. Pair these with the A..77-497 cam cleats to ensure a good lead for the line into the cam cleat.
A2030SC – Dynamic 30mm swivel block. One attached either side of the deck to a lacing eye to lead the spinnaker guy barber hauler line back to the cam cleat.
A2030Tii – Dynamic 30mm tii-on block. Used as the spinnaker guy barber hauler block. One on each side.
A2060 – Dynamic 60mm block. Attached to the rear stanchion as a turning block for the spinnaker sheet.
A2360 – 60mm AutoRatchet. One is attached to a mid-ship stanchion on either side and used as the last block in the spinnaker sheet system.
Pole Down / Up
A2030PSC – Plain bearing 30mm swivel block. Attached to the lacing eye on the deck to lead the pole down control line back to the cam cleat.
A4034 – Cone-shaped spring. Install this onto the A2030SC to help hold it up and stop it from getting tangled when not in use.
A-64001 – Snap Shackle. Used for attaching the pole up and down control lines to the pole.
Stainless Steel Snap Shackle£16.63
Cone Shaped Stainless Steel Spring£1.28
30mm Block w/Swivel£43.55
Miscellaneous Hardware
A5511 – Carbon fibre tiller extension 1100mm long.
A5198 – Tiller extension UJ.
A.171 – Large mast head mounted aerovane.
A.172 – Aerovane holder adapter.
Rope Lengths
The following lengths are just recommendations. We suggest measuring existing rigging before ordering any new rope.
Mainsheet – 10mm x 15 meters.
Jib Sheet – 8mm x 10.5 meters.
Spinnaker Sheet – 8mm x 16 meters.
Traveller Line – 6mm x 7.5 meters.
Spinnaker Guy Barber Haulers – 6mm x 3 meters.
Pole Down – 7mm x 5.5 meters.
Pole Uphaul – 7mm x 16 meters.
Vang Control – 7mm
Vang Primary – 4mm Dyneema.
Spinnaker Halyard – 8mm x 20 meters.
Jib Halyard – 8mm x 19 meters.
Main Halyard – 8mm x 25 meters.
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